- Name: Dorje's Wine Company. (Beer Wine And Spirit Retail)
- Adress: Unit 4 Rigby Close Heathcote Industrial Estate Warwick Warwickshire CV34 6TH
- Telphone: 01926 430 550 Fax: 01926 850 941
- Web:
Bodegas Urbina de La Rioja presento sus vinos en Warwick (Reino Unido), gracias al distribuidor de vinos Alastair MacBrayne y su empresa Dorje's Wine Company. La presentación tuvo lugar en el Restaurante Rhubarb (50 Warwick St, Leamington Spa CV32 5JS, UK), donde miembros de la prensa, sumieres y cocineros cataron los siguientes vinos: Urbina Blanco 2008; Tempranillo 2007; Crianza 2005; Selección 1999; Reserva Especial 1998; Gran Reserva Especial 1994. Todos los vinos tuvieron una buena acogida por parte de los asistentes, quienes se sorprendieron por la variada gama ofertada por la bodega y la alta calidad de sus vinos, de marcada tipicidad.
"Los tiempos son difíciles para los pequeños comerciantes de vinos como yo. España está demostrando ser una gran mina de oro, ya que ciertas áreas no conocidas y pequeños productores artesanos parecen haber sido pasadas por alto por las grandes compañías y compradores". Alastair MacBrayne. Aparte del servicio individualizado, los comerciantes de vinos independientes pueden ofrecer una gama donde los grandes compradores (supermercados) no pueden. No estamos hablando simplemente de la cantidad de sus vinos. Estamos hablando de una mezcla de productores artesanales a pequeña escala y fuera de lo común, junto con los grandes clásicos y productos super-premium de aquellos con una reputación establecida.
“Times are tough for smaller wine merchants such as myself. Spain is proving a great hunting ground as certain areas seem to have been overlooked by the big buyers”.” Alastair MacBrayne, the Wine Consultant from Dorje's Wine Company is great wine expert, let him gide you on your wine choices. I´m sure he will find the wine that will suite you best. Apart from one-on-one service, independent wine merchants can offer range where the bigger players (supermarkets), cannot. We're not simply talking about the number of wines stocked; we're talking about a mixture of small-scale, off-the-beaten track, artisan producers alongside low-volume, super-premium classics from those with established and well-earned reputations. And if they don´t carry it, then in many cases the staff or owner will blend over backwards trying to track it down for you.
Bodegas Urbina is a family winery with four generations since 1870 dedicated to grape growing and winemaking. The present winery designed, built and run by the family Urbina since 1986 has been created solely to facilitate the mission of the winemaker at the time of producing fine wines. The winemaking for commercialization dates from 1870 and performed in ancient underground Cuzcurrita drafts. Bodegas Urbina has 75 hectares of native varieties of Rioja, whose sole purpose is the quality of their wines. The wines are a combination of grapes from Cuzcurrita, the westernmost part of the DOC Rioja; It produces wines with great aging potential, fit for the Gran Reserva and Uruñuela vineyards located in the heart of the appellation produce wines of great consistency and body, very nice.